There are many times where you feel that your brain is failing you. It could be something related to memory; such as forgetting where you’ve put your car keys, attention such as skipping the road to work, or other cognitive skills. While these symptoms might feel normal from time to time, you do not have to keep up with them as there are many ways to boost and improve your brain’s skills and keep it active for longer times.
**Here are the best things to do:**
There is a strong correlation between the level of education and mental functioning of an individual. The more educated a person is the better his mental functioning. Advanced education helps keeping a memory robust by keeping your brain active. You can also keep it lively by doing mental exercises that activate and maintain individual brain cells and enforces communication between them. Do so by pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill and going out of your comfort zone by volunteering in new areas, etc.
Regular exercising raises your heart rate, resulting in faster breathing. This will require more oxygen to enter your bloodstream, and while a high heart rate increases the blood flow to your brain, this means that more oxygen will enter your brain making it function better than ever.
Reading stimulates your brain, reducing the risks of Alzheimer and dementia. It also boosts your memory because it keeps your brain active for a certain period of time. It can reduce stress by as much as 68%. So what are you waiting for? Start expanding your vocab!
The Mediterranean diet has been voted the best for many years, because it is diversified and brings together a rich plate of nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, if you are not living in any Mediterranean country, you need to add a few changes to your diet; start by limiting red meat, increasing fish portions, and consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables.
A good night’s sleep (an average of 8 hours) fights depression, releases happiness hormones, helps you stay positive and manages stress. For a better sleep here is a trick: place a photo of somewhere or something you love near your pillow and look at it while lying in your bed, imagining it with all your senses. You will find yourself dreaming about it in few minutes.
There are many ways to de-stress. These are our favorites:
- Learn to say no: this will help you prevent stressful situations
- When you feel worried, focus on what is happening around you at the moment
- Take breaks
- Write a list of the things that bothered you during your day
- Try to always find the positive side of every event
- Daydream of better and positive situations; you might find unexpected solutions there.