Many times you might have thought of someone intelligent, or even not intelligent. But what is intelligence? In fact, intelligence is not a general term, or quality, that can be used to describe someone. It has many types, and almost every person can be called intelligent for having one of these intelligence types. Here are the types of intelligence:
This one describes the human’s ability to distinguish between living creatures as well as to identify with the other features of the natural world. It originates from the primary human beings who were hunters and farmers and continues to evolve in people who work spend a lot of time in nature or gathering and handling foods such as cooks.
As the name implies, this type of intelligence means that the person is able to differentiate discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. Usually, these people are the ones who can recognize a song from listening to just few seconds of it. Composers, musicians, and vocalists usually have this type of intelligence.
What makes math geniuses different than everyone else is this type of intelligence. It means the ability to calculate, quantify and solve mathematical calculations no matter how hard and complex. They have also very good reasoning skills and make good use of their logic.
People with this kind of intelligence are good at tackling philosophical topics related to human existence and abstract subjects such as the meaning of life.
This intelligence is all about relationships with others. It is the ability to interact with other people which requires specific communication skills, verbal and non-verbal. These people can find what makes their acquaintances different and make them able to address each one of them in a different way. Usually people with this type of intelligence are teachers, social workers, and politicians.
To be able to use a variety of physical skills and manipulate objects, can mean that you have Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence. This intelligence means that you know how to synchronize your mind and body and make them act together most of the time. Usually, dancers and athletes are the ones who have this type of intelligence.
This is the ability to use words and languages very well to express thoughts and ideas. While you find yourself struggling to convey a certain message to your friends with your words, these people do this very easily. People who have this kind of intelligence usually enjoy reading and writing as well as games that involve words.
This one is all about self-appreciation and awareness. This kind of people understand themselves very well, they understand their thoughts and feelings and use this understanding to better plan their lives and be focused on their goals.
This intelligence includes capacities such as image manipulation, mental imagery, and artistic skills. Usually sailors, pilots, sculptors, and painters, have this intelligence since they have the ability to imagine in three dimensions their new project or path.
Many times you might have thought of someone intelligent, or even not intelligent. But what is intelligence? In fact, intelligence is not a general te...
Many times you might have thought of someone intelligent, or even not intelligent. But what is intelligence? In fact, intelligence is not a general te...
Many times you might have thought of someone intelligent, or even not intelligent. But what is intelligence? In fact, intelligence is not a general te...